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😈 If You Do at Least 9/17 of These Things, You’re Probably Evil

Do you belong in hell?

No matter how positive we try to be, we may occasionally do things that we aren't proud of. Nobody wants to be that way, but certain situations and bad moods may cause us to act out in certain manner.

When you're carrying a lot of baggage with you and taking the public transport, you'd be tempted to place your belongings on another seat. However, that seat could be utilized by someone who needs it more. You may be in a rush when doing a grocery run, so you see that the express checkout is your way out of the supermarket in the quickest way. So you may do that, even if unloading your incredibly full cart will cause those waiting behind you to wait even longer. Sounds familiar?

In this quiz, we'll present you with a list of wrongdoings. It may be hard to admit that you do any of these horrible things, but we need you to be honest. Only your true answers will determine if you're (probably) evil!

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If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz Questions

Have you ever answered an unimportant call during a movie?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 1 answering a call during movie

Have you ever read a text from your friend and ignored it on purpose?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz Unread messages phone

Have you ever left a shopping cart in a parking space?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz Cart trolley

Have you inconsiderately used an empty seat beside you in a public space while others had to stand?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 4 taking up two seats

Have you ever left drawers open after taking something out and not close them afterward?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 5 drawers open

Have you ever used up the last pieces of toilet paper and left an empty roll on the holder?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 6 empty toilet roll on the holder

Have you ever chewed loudly with your mouth open?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 7 chewed loudly with your mouth open

Have you ever left an empty milk bottle in the fridge after finishing it?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 8 drinking milk jug

Have you ever purposely let the elevator doors close even when someone was coming?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz Elevator button

Have you left your dishes undone for a week?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 10 undone dishes

Have you ever intentionally let the door close behind you instead of holding it open for the person after you?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz person closing door

Have you played music out loud in public without headphones?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 12 holding boombox

Have you ever removed your shoes on a plane and propped your feet up on the seats in front of you?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz barefoot feet on airplane

Have you ever taken something without someone's permission?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 14 stealing something

Have you ever laid on the bed with your shoes on?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 15 shoes on bed

Have you ever been to work or school with a contagious illness?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 16 sick colleague

Have you ever bit into string cheese instead of pulling it apart?

If You Do at Least 9 of Things, You're Probably Evil Quiz 17 bite into string cheese
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