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If You Do 9/17 of These Things, Then You Are Super Distracted

"What was I doing again?"

In our fast-paced lifestyle, certain distractions are well-deserved breaks from working hard over a long period. However, more often than not, we let distractions take us away from doing what we need to get done. As such, there are some distractions you should avoid.

Playing video games may seem like you're taking a break, but you may get worked up trying to win than feel relaxed. You're also not letting your eyes rest. The same can be said about scrolling through social media. Mindlessly looking through your friends' updates may not give your mind the break it deserves. It also may consume a lot more time than you intended to. Watching a video while working may seem like a harmless way to multi-task. However, you're just dividing your attention between two things and not putting in your best effort. So it's best to stay focused on your work without getting distracted!

In this quiz, find out if you're a super distracted person! All you have to do is tell us if you do the majority of the following quirks.

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    • 🏅 Ranked #31Nazareth is ranked 31st for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz Questions

Have you ever accidentally switched salt for sugar, or vice versa, while cooking?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz Sugar

Have you sent a text and realized it didn't make sense while reading it after?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz Reading text message

Have you forgotten what you were talking about mid-conversation?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz forgetful person

Have you ever left the house wearing two different socks?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz wearing socks that dont match

Have you ever worn clothes the wrong way in public?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz wearing clothes backwards

Have you gone shopping for a set of items you need, but ended up getting some unnecessary things?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz young woman carrying paper shopping bags in modern mall

Have you ever mistakenly burned food?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz burnt food

Do you mistakenly leave things in the refrigerator that do not belong?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz leaving random things in fridge

Have you walked into another room and forgot why you walked in there?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz opening room door

Have you checked the time a couple of times in the span of a few minutes because you forgot it?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz wearing watch time

Do you tend to doodle on your notebook?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz person doodling on notebook

Have you ordered food to the wrong place?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz food delivery guy

Do you reset your passwords online often because you forgot them?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz Apple laptop computer

Have you ever replied a waiter who said, "enjoy your meal!", with "you too"?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz thanking waiter

Have you ever forgotten to reply someone because you thought you already did?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz Texting

Have you spent time looking for something that was in your hands all along?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz phone watch glasses keys

Have you re-introduced yourself to someone you've met before?

If You Do 9 of Things, Then You Are Super Distracted Quiz meeting someone new
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