🍳 If You Own at Least 8/15 of These Things, You Should Be a Chef

You got: You Should Be A Chef!

18% of players got this result!

Seems like you have most of what it takes to be a chef! If you would like, you can always improve your skills and equip yourself with the necessary tools to become the best chef you can be.



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Anyone can be a cook if he tries. Even whipping up a dish with the simplest ingredients qualifies you to be one. But to be a chef, you need to know more and be able to do more in the kitchen. For this, you need to own certain tools to lay the foundation.

As an aspiring chef, knife skills are something you want to perfect. A quality set of knives are important. However, if you can only get one, a chef's knife is essential. A knife honer comes in handy if you want to keep your knives in tip-top condition. To better your skills in this department, a chef cutting board will help you practice your precise cuts.

In this quiz, you can find out if you've already got what it takes to be a chef. Assess your equipment and see if you've got the majority of the following kitchen equipment. If you do, you may be the next Gordon Ramsay!

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