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๐Ÿ… If You Eat 17/33 of These Foods With Ketchup, Then You’re a Monster

How weird are you about ketchup?
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There exist such weird pairings of food with ketchup that any rational, sane person would find sickening, but some peopleโ€”some mad, crazy fewโ€”actually love them. After all, there may be no devoted food fans quite like ketchup lovers.

For the select group of ketchup addicts, that sweet, tangy and only slightly tomato-tasting condiment goes perfectly with everything. To them, all foods can seemingly be greatly enhanced by a tangy tomato flavor.

Burrito? Pizza? Steak? That's child's play according to hardcore ketchup fans. The next level of ketchup devotion extends to foods like sandwiches and desserts.

Go through the quiz to either relate or gag over some common or unconventional foods that ketchup fans love drizzling with the red goop. Some of these strange food-condiment combos are pretty wild. Don't knock it 'til you try it though.

But if you actually eat more than half of these foods with ketchup, then you're a monster.

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If You Eat 17 of Foods With Ketchup, Then You're Monster Quiz Questions

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