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  • BetterBob

I got the same thing, but I think I messed up what, like, every line was...

I got NY, but I grew up in PA 2.

You got: Pineapple! You don't care about the haters—you know what you love, and you own it. Like pineapple on pizza, you're sweet, a little unconventional, and full of surprises. You bring unexpected joy into people's lives, and while some don't understand your greatness, the ones who do? They're your...

I got the same thing. I'm terrified of heights too. No, thanks.

U R a nerd, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I bet u aced all of ur geography tests. I got 13/20.

You got: Rainbow Cake! You're fun and exciting, and you're always the life of the party, which is why people always flock to you and your fun-loving, positive attitude. I love rainbow cake, but chocolate cake is also really good.

Yes! She seems perfect for me! I love exercising, and then resting for a while. The only thing is, I'm only 13, so I can't have my own pet (yet).

I love that all of the Quizly officials are soooooooo nice. 🙂

Same. I have maybe too many friends in literally every group ever.

I got salty too! It is pretty true, but I like to think of myself as more sweet.

I got this the first time I took it, but I might've not been 100% honest, so I retook it. It was also the one option I didn't want so...

Same. I also love the photo. Love Deadpool+Wolverine, altho I nvr watched the movie.

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