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  • e.holt

53 to 56 Years Old!im only 22 🤣

Summer!You love the bright and sunny season of summer! You like hot, spicy foods that remind you of your favorite season. You're sweet, curious, and always up for an adventure.

Ariel!You have a passion for adventure, always searching for the most interesting activities to take part in. Your fun-loving nature makes you a joy to hang out with, which explains why you are always surrounded by friends. You are energetic and outgoing but when you have a fish in...

a Doctor! You probably will be dating a doctor next! You appreciate someone with a good work ethic and is constantly thinking about how to help others.

the Rock! Based on your answers, we feel that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and you should be BFFs. That's not bad company to keep!

i saw your last name and thought i commented on this quiz already cause we have the same last name lol!!

Samuel L. Jackson! You and Samuel L. Jackson are best buds! The two of you enjoy eating snacks together and watching movies such as Pulp Fiction, Snakes on a Plane, or anything from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Doctor Strange and Killmonger! You're so smart and talented, so you tend to be vain, and rightfully so. Your ability to strategize is powerful, so it's up to you if you want to use it for good or for bad.

87! We're guessing you'll live till 87, 'cause even though you make hasty decisions mostly, you try to think of consequences (sometimes)! But hopefully you live longer 😉

Heimdall! You are very vigilant and want to know what's going on around you at all times, just like Heimdall. You have heightened senses, which serve as a blessing and a curse at different times. Just like the Norse god, you are smart and responsible.

18/18 Well done! Though for some of you this quiz was a walk in the park, it really does take someone that either grew up with these shows or had Saturday morning cartoons as a kid to pass this test – and you nailed it! Maybe you have these cartoons...

Will Smith! Your celebrity twin is Will Smith! You're a Jack of all trades, maybe even a master! You're always the life of the party since everyone loves being around you. You never fail to put a smile on their faces.

21/30 You love any food that is fried, be it chicken, chips, fish, or dessert. As long as a dish is fried in oil you're immediately sold, even if it's just vegetables. There are no limits to the amount of fried treats you'll eat. You have a fried food obsession!

Yule Log! Your sweet cravings don't die down during the holidays; they only get stronger. At Christmas, the only way to deal with this craving is to have some of the Yule log. You can't imagine not having the chocolate dessert with raspberry jam!

Harmony and Balance! The balance in your buffet choices mirrors a year where harmony prevails in all aspects of your life. You will find the perfect middle ground between work and leisure, giving you a deep sense of satisfaction and peace. This year encourages personal growth, mindfulness, and well-being, helping...

100% funny

A Dark Fortune Cookie! Your fortune cookie has a dark side since it leans toward humor with a tinge of sadness. To be honest, wouldn't it really be ironic for someone to die in a room literally named "living"?

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