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  • Mark-Morrall

8 / 15 53% I have not seen this show for a long time, they were all guesses & Phoebe was my Favorite.

15 / 27 55% It`s pretty hard to try a lot of them if you're on a tight budget.

Stranger Things I`ve never seen it, I don`t have Netflix & if I did, I would probably watch it.

Extrovert Wrong I don`t make friends quickly, I love being by myself & I don`t need to interact with other people to boost my confidence. I prefer a dog they accept the way you are.

Chameleon I agree with that I just go with the flow, I`m easy going.

Fall - Themed mansion Yeah, I`ll be happy with that.

13 / 15 86% Missing out on The Golden Girls & The Love Boat.

Narcos I don`t have Netflix however I`d watch it, if it was on another pay tv subscription which I have got / free to air because I love watching crime shows.

13 / 20 65% That was a very hard quiz I`m 63 years old and I`m from Australia. The only language I can speak is English.

33 I`m 63 & this time I was making a cup of tea & I still got the same answer 2 weeks ago.

23 / 25 92% Fairly easy missing out on the 2 African countries.

I`m very difficult to live with so True I`ve lived by myself with a dog for the last 34 years, I hate people coming & organizing everything in the house not knowing where they have put things away, before they came in, I knew where everything was & than...

9 / 23 39% They were all guesses, I have not got around in seeing any of the movies.

New York Wrong I`m a very very long way from there I`m in Victoria, Australia & I`ve never been to New York.

19 / 20 95% Missing out on the Devil`s Advocate

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