🍴 Plan a Dinner Party and We’ll Guess Your Relationship Status

You got: Single!

49% of players got this result!

Based on your answers, we are quite certain you are single.


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There are many ingredients that make up a successful dinner party. Deciding what goes into the menu and how to make the evening fun and entertaining for guests require plenty of planning to be made in advance. We can determine if you're married, single, in a relationship, divorced, or something else entirely based on the decisions you make while planning a dinner party. Whether this gathering is for your friends, family, or even your co-workers, it says much about your personality and also about how you live your life.

Your relationship status will determine how you treat your guests and what your motivations are for organizing a dinner party in the first place. It might also reveal some things about your personality you didn’t know before.

If you'd like us to determine your relationship status then take this quiz, answer the questions contain within and we'll take a crack at it.

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