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🧀 Rate These Unpopular Foods and We’ll Reveal Your Most Polarizing Quality

You either love them or you hate them.

We tend to not think of something as mundane as food as being controversial, but foods that yield widely varying opinions are actually very common. Certain types of food frequently cause heated debates between their lovers and haters. Some of these divisive ingredients might even be found on the menu at your favorite restaurant. Whether you find them delicious or disgusting, you probably have a strong opinion about these foods. Everyone else hates it. You should hate it too, but you can't help but indulge in that dark as night squid ink pasta.

Depending on what you feel about popular (or unpopular) foods like mayo, olives, and blue cheese, we can tell you something about you that would cause a debate! Take this quiz, rate some foods, and depending on whether you love them or loathe them, we'll reveal what your most polarizing quality is!

Do you dare to find out?

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  1. ExpertJurly has played over 100 quizzes
    Jurly 6 months ago
  2. ExpertLAM has played over 100 quizzes
    LAM 10 months ago
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Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Questions

Can you get past the smell of blue cheese?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz 1 blue cheese

Would you take a bite of white chocolate?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz White chocolate bar

Do you want a snack - black licorice?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Would you want us to mail you some kale?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz 4 kale

Hey ho, have some mayo?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Mayonnaise

Do you all love olives?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Olives

Would you eat a beet?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz beetroot beets

Would you cloister yourself with some oysters?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz 8 Oysters

Would you chew on some tofu?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Tofu

Do you go 'loco' for some coconut?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Coconuts drying in the sun

How do you feel about these anchovies?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Anchovies1

Do you want a jar of caviar?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz 12 caviar

Are you anti-candy corn?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz 13 candy corn

I assume you're fine with mushrooms?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Mushrooms

Alright this is serious, what do you think of pineapple on pizza?

Rate Unpopular Foods to Know Your Most Polarizing Quali… Quiz Pineapple Pizza
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