Movies that are based on comic books are especially challenging to cast due to the high expectations of die hard fans. Most readers already have an idea of how their heroes should look and behave. So far, Marvel Studios has done a remarkable job of casting outside the box, casting against type, and sometimes even casting relative unknowns as its super-powered protagonists. Robert Downey Jr. is basically the walking talking version of Tony Stark. Chris Pratt wasn't exactly a household name pre-Guardians of the Galaxy.
And because we'll use any opportunity to ogle good looking hero guys, let's take a look at some of the hunky superheroes that grace the big screen.
Let us know how attractive you think these remarkable guys of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are. Each of these superheroes (and villains) are armed with super good looks to complement their extraordinary powers. Based on your ratings, we can actually guess your age and your height! Who are you rooting for?
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Get PremiumRate These Marvel Guys & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz Questions
What do you think of Captain America?

Is Iron Man your favorite?

Do you love Thor?

What do you think of Bruce Banner a.k.a The Hulk?

What about your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?

Are you a fan of Heimdall?

How you do feel about Loki?

How do you feel looking at Vision?

Are you a fan of the Punisher?

How much do you love Star-Lord?

How good-looking is Black Panther?

How much do you love Doctor Strange?

How big is your love for Ant-Man?

What do you think of Falcon?

Does Hawkeye catch your eye?

Is Daredevil a favorite of yours?

How hot is Human Torch?

Are you a fan of Nick Fury?

Finally, how much do you love Wolverine?

I GOT 64 YRS OLD BRUHHHHHHHH and I got 5’6 hight was close but age ☠️☠️
I’m 19 and 5ft I got 32 and 5’11. I wish
You got: 58 Years Old & 5 Foot 10 Inches Tall! I’m 23 and 5’11 at least the height is close
dude Chris Pratt (star lord) is SO FREAKING HOT