🍽 Only a Truly Refined Person Can Score Higher Than 11/15 on This Dining Etiquette Quiz

Is your knowledge on dining etiquette up to snuff?

When eating with people we feel comfortable around, we tend to loosen up and eat however we want to. Sometimes we may forget basic table manners and certain dining etiquette.

Usually, when we take a break from eating, we may place our utensils on the table completely or with the tops leaning on the plate. However, used silverware should never touch the table. Instead, they should be placed on the plate entirely. In a dinner setting where there is a large set of cutlery placed on the table and you are unsure of which ones to use, start with the ones on the outermost and work your way in. This means that the outermost utensil should be used for the first course and so on.

Is your knowledge on dining etiquette up to snuff? In this quiz, we test your knowledge on proper table behavior and dining etiquette. Score higher than 11 out of a possible 15 and you will prove how truly refined you are!


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Only Truly Refined Person Can Score Higher Than 11 on This Dining Etiquette Quiz Questions

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