You got married at 41!
We're thinking you got married at 41! You must have had to answer many questions from your parents and friends, but it finally stopped when you got married. You hate when people say waiting too long means you can't have a family; what's wrong in waiting for the right time and person?
You’re not married (yet)!
We’re thinking you’re not married, for now! You have high expectations for the people you date, and when they don’t match up to them, you try to look for someone who does.. You hate when people think you can’t settled down or when they try to matchmake you with their friends; there’s nothing wrong in being single or being in a live-in relationship!
I got your not married not yet I have to figure out if I should leave my boyfriend right now
‘You got married at 35’
Wrong yet again. I’ve never married. Still single at 65.
They say I’m not married yet but I know clearly what I want and won’t take anything less. Partially true, married for 18 years to a man that is 26 years older than me and I was absolutely spoiled, whined, dined, pampered, and he was spontaneous and worked otr truck driving 85-95% of the time. I got his paycheck, paid his bills, and did wth ever I wanted to with the rest of the money. He didn’t have any kids previously. We had two together. Now, bittersweet and everything I just explained, that’s either extent or Visa versa now. Old age? Fondness wore off? I have no clue. But, here I am 36, formally overly happily married to a 62 year old formally blue collar now only red wing politically- on a random quiz site blabbing about my dormant Flintstone era dream come true turn nerve-wracking rollercoaster after a milkshake and grits repulsiveness of cringe worthy status. But hey… I got it out yay 😊 for me. Now back to the ’20s life.