Your friend sends you a text message that simply says "Heeeeeyyyy" or "Yoooooo" - How do you respond?
It's 2am and your friend sends you a text message that says "Hey, can you give us a ride home?". How do you respond?
None of these
No response
Your friend responds to your text message with only the letter "K". How do you respond?
Your friend sends you a text message that was clearly meant for someone else. How do you respond?
Your friend sends you a text message asking if you can help them move. You happen to be free. How do you respond?
None of these
No response
Your friend texts you a link to an article that you are not the least bit interested in. How do you respond?
Your significant other is breaking up with you over text. How do you respond?
Your friend sends you a text that says "Why aren't you responding to my text messages?". How do you respond?
You receive the following text to your phone: "Dear client, your account has been frozen, please click this link to reactivate." How do you respond?
Do not click the link
Forward to a friend
None of these
Click the link
Scenario: Karen sends you a text message that is critical of Steve, a mutual friend whom you don't like very much. How do you respond to Karen?
Your friend is at a bar or club and keeps texting you to come out with them. You don't want to, however. How do you respond to your friend?
None of these
Agree to go out
No response
Say I am not going
Your friend gives away the ending to a movie you haven't seen yet in a text message. How do you respond?
In an angry tirade
Politely inform my friend I had not seen the movie yet
Unfriend, block, and never speak to the person again
None of these
Your friend sends you a text message asking you to call them. How do you respond?
Your friend sends you a text message cancelling plans last minute. How do you respond?
"That's ok!"
No response
In an angry tirade
None of these
You've been added to a group text that has little to do with you. How do you respond?
Just never respond to the messages
None of these
Take part in the discussion anyway
Ask to be removed from the group