Toasts are so versatile. When paired with the right combination of toppings, toast makes a hearty and convenient breakfast, lunch, snack, or meal on the go. You can never run out of the available toast toppings available.
Whether you are in the mood for something sweet or savory, there is always a spread or topping you can use to dress up your toast with a little extra flavor. The only limit here is your creativity.
Debate rages when it comes to the most delicious toppings on toast. Here's a quiz where you can have your say on what are some of the best toast combinations. Believe it or not, we can actually tell how old you are simply by how you rate these toast toppings. If you're getting a bit tired of traditional toast toppings like jam, peanut butter, and every millennial's favorite pick (avocado, obviously), this quiz may give you an idea or two on what to pile on your next toast.
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Get PremiumThis Is Little Odd, But I Can Guess Age by Your Opinion… Quiz Questions
First, the basics. How do you feel about peanut butter toast?

What's your stance on bananas as a topping?


What about mango mash?

Smoked salmon?

How do you feel about fried eggs on your toast?

What about a dusting of cinnamon?

Peaches on toast?

What about Marmite?

Sweetened condensed milk?

How do you feel about mayonnaise on toast?

What about sardines?


How do you feel about ketchup on toast?

What do you think of unicorn toast?

How do you feel about fresh berries on toast?

How would you rate mushrooms as a toast topping?

What are your feelings toward hummus toast?

How about tomatoes as a topping?

Finally, how do you feel about shrimp on toast?

I got 19
Finally! it’s close! I’m 12
55 and over!??? Whaaaaaaat! Soooooo wrong! I am below 17, daaang!
35. Close, I’m 38
55 or Over Correct I`m 63 There were a few I haven`t tried.
55 or over
Totally wrong by 30 years.