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๐Ÿป Can You Identify These US States Based on Their Official Animals?

Let's see what you know!

Every state in the U.S. has its own official animal. Many have multiple state animals, including an official mammal, bird, amphibian, and some other types of animals as well. A state animal is one chosen to represent the state it is from. In many cases, the animal will have something to do with the state itself. The species might be more prevalent in that state than elsewhere in the country or it might just be a creature that has become synonymous with the people, culture, and history in that region.

There is something about the official animals of different states which sum up the differences between regions in the country. Animals can be very symbolic and the official animals of each state say much about the people who live there. This quiz will test your ability to identify various states in the United States based on their official animals.

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  1. U
    Ultimate Player 3 months ago
  2. K
    Kira Callaghan 7 months ago
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Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Questions

Two states have grizzly bears as their official state animal. One is Montana. What is the other one?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Grizzlybearjeanbeaufort
  • Virginia

  • Arizona

  • California

  • Michigan

What state has the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep as its official state mammal?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Bighorn sheep ram
  • New Mexico

  • Utah

  • Colorado

  • Nevada

The harbor seal is the official animal of what state?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Harbor Seal
  • Washington

  • Maine

  • Rhode Island

  • Florida

Beavers are the official animal of two states. One of those states is Oregon. What is the other?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Beaver Closeup
  • New York

  • Connecticut

  • Maine

  • Massachusetts

What state's official animal is the coyote?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz 09 Coyote
  • Nevada

  • Arizona

  • South Dakota

  • New Mexico

The sperm whale is the official animal of what state?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Sperm whale
  • Hawaii

  • Connecticut

  • Oregon

  • Alaska

What state's official bird is the greater roadrunner?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Greater Roadrunner
  • Illinois

  • New Mexico

  • Texas

  • Ohio

The calico cat is the official animal of what state?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Calico Cat.jpg.optimal
  • Texas

  • Pennsylvania

  • Louisiana

  • Maryland

The Rocky Mountain elk is the official animal of what state?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Rocky Mountain Elk
  • Colorado

  • New Mexico

  • Utah

  • Nevada

The orca is the official mammal of what state?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz orcas
  • Florida

  • California

  • Hawaii

  • Washington

The cactus wren is the official bird of what US state?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Cactus Wren
  • Arkansas

  • Alabama

  • Texas

  • Arizona

What state's official dog is the Boston Terrier?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Boston Terrier
  • Wyoming

  • Kansas

  • Missouri

  • Massachusetts

Since 1997, the red fox has been an official animal of what state?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Red Fox
  • Idaho

  • Wisconsin

  • Mississippi

  • North Dakota

What state made the bobcat its official wildcat in 2015?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Bobcat
  • West Virginia

  • Montana

  • New Hampshire

  • Minnesota

What state made the Virginia opossum its official state marsupial in 2013?

Can You Identify US States by Their Official Animals? Quiz Virginia Opossum
  • Virginia

  • Iowa

  • South Carolina

  • North Carolina

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