What famous product first used the tagline "Have a Break. Have a ___" in 1957?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What "wife-savers" is this guy selling?
Advertisement Advertisement Fabulous!
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement Back then, little girls thought that this toy kitchen appliance was the best thing since sliced bread. What was its name?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What was the name of the lady plumber who acted as spokeswoman for "Comet" cleanser?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What is the "amazing discovery", a morning staple for some people, featured in this 1953 ad?
Advertisement Advertisement Nice job!
Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What was the job of Madge, a character portrayed by Jan Miner in an ad for Palmolive liquid?
Advertisement Advertisement Yay!
That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement What chocolate product featured in this 1956 ad?
Advertisement Advertisement Perfect! 👊
Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement What's the name of this man who secretly can't resist squeezing the Charmin (toilet tissue)?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement "Where's the beef?" was a famous catchphrase used by which American fast food chain?
Advertisement Advertisement Fantastic! 🥳
That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement What is the candy bar advertised in this 1954 ad?
Advertisement Advertisement You're doing great!
Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement This 1951 ad featured a food item. What is it? Hint: Andy Warhol famously painted it.
Advertisement Advertisement Sensational!
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement Here's another for you. What is the featured product that is made doubly fresh in this 1954 ad?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Which company began its commercial with the line "I can't believe I ate the whole thing"?
Advertisement Advertisement Excellent!
That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement "The Lonely Repairman" was another household icon originating in the 1960s. What product used him in their advertisements?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement This product was specially created to make even the simplest salads taste wonderful. What is it?
Advertisement Advertisement Nice job!
Having difficulty with this one?
Advertisement Advertisement What product angered Mother Nature enough to have her utter the words "It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature"?
Advertisement Advertisement Boom! Nailed it! 👊
That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement "Where there's life, there's ___!" What company used this tagline in a 1958 ad?
Advertisement Advertisement Stunning!
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement Which fast food restaurant came up with this jingle in 1971 that went like this: "You deserve a break today! So get up and get away!"?
Advertisement Advertisement Nice!
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement This carbonated beverage was created in the late 19th century and continues to be popular even today. What is it?
Advertisement Advertisement Brilliant! 👍
Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement Which product debuted the "Oh-oh!" slogan in 1950?
Advertisement Advertisement Brilliant! 👍
I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement Which American food company produced this ad for a kitchen staple in 1951?
Advertisement Advertisement Magnificent!
Having difficulty with this one?
Advertisement Advertisement What bottle is this woman holding in the 1955 ad?
Advertisement Advertisement Nice!
I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement In the 1970s, this fast food restaurant had people singing the catchy lyrics to its commercial, "Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us - all we ask is that you let us have it your way." Which one was it?
Advertisement Advertisement Bullseye!
Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement Finally, what food product featured a stubborn mule in its 1954 print ad?
Advertisement Advertisement You get a gold star for that! 🌟
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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