When attending a dinner party, what do you choose to bring?

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Which of these best suits how your friends would describe you?

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In your opinion, what does Westeros need in order to become a truly good and just society?

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Pick your favorite show from the list below.

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What is your opinion on inter-family romantic relationships?

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What is the most important part of playing sports?

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Scenario: Your enemies want you to join them to fight off a common threat. How do you respond?

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Scenario: You have captured a large city and are now its leader. What do you do with the citizens who had been loyal to the previous leader?

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In your opinion, when does a person have a claim to be the leader of Westeros?

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Would you be willing to sign a petition stating you want Season 8 of Game of Thrones to be re-written?

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When deciding how to act in a given scenario, which of these factors plays the most important role for you?

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Which of these professions do you feel you would excel at more than others?

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Do you keep pets or otherwise love animals?

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What is the key to being successful in life?

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Would you ever accept the role as ruler of Westeros and the person who sits on the Iron Throne?

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