You receive a call from someone who says they are watching you. What do you do?
Your friends dare you to repeat the words "Bloody Mary" in front of a mirror three times. Do you do it?
You are driving and a car behind you flashes its lights on and off repeatedly, causing a glare in your mirror. What do you do?
You and some friends are watching TV when someone hears a strange noise coming from outside. Do you go and investigate the noise?
No, I'd ask someone else to check it out
No, I'd ignore it
Yes, but I'd go with other people
You receive a mysterious message that says "I know what you did last summer." How do you react?
After falling asleep, you encounter a man with burn scars all over his face and knives on his hand. What do you do?
What is an activity you would most like to take part in while at summer camp?
Allow Jason Vorhees to drown
Skinny dip
Sports and games
None of these
Go to bed at a reasonable hour
Tell ghost stories around the campfire
A friend of yours really wants you to watch a cursed videotape. How do you respond?
Watch the tape
None of these
Do not watch the tape
What is a videotape?
After a long drive, you pull into the only motel you've seen in miles. After checking in to your room, what is the first thing you do?
You drop your keys down a sewer. When you look down the sewer you see a freaky-looking clown. What do you do?
Engage in polite conversation with the clown
Leave town and never look back
None of these
Climb down to hang out with the scary clown
Someone tells you there has been an alien invasion and you must stay with him in his bomb shelter to survive. You're a little suspicious of him, however. What do you do?
Someone bangs on your door saying he is in trouble and needs you to let him in. What do you do?
A thick mist has enveloped your town. Where do you go for safety?
None of these
Leave town
The supermarket
My basement
The mall
You travel into the woods to make a documentary about an urban legend. Your map seems to be inaccurate, however. What do you do?
You wake up from a coma to discover the world has been overrun by zombies. What do you do?