Only a True Yogi Can Identify 12/15 of These Yoga Poses ๐Ÿง˜

Do you actually remember the happy baby pose?

If you're new to yoga, that feeling of anticipation to roll out your mat each day is truly magical, to say the least. You fantasize about flowing at your favorite class while you're at work, and you low-key long to achieve the more advanced poses that your fellow yogis are doing alongside you in the studio.

There are over 300 positions in the physical yoga practice (asana). However, the most basic yoga poses are actually the most essential, regardless of whether or not you're a beginner. These poses provide the foundation for a strong and balanced yoga practice, and it's important to establish a solid relationship with them from the get-go.

Has it been a while since your last class? Here's a quiz to jog your memory on some yoga postures that all yoga practitioners should know. So roll out your yoga mat, take this quiz, and see if you remember these basic yoga poses.

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Only A True Yogi Can Identify 12 Of Yoga Poses Quiz Questions

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