Despite it having a bad rep, anger can actually be a positive, healthy emotion that can even be constructive at times. It only becomes unhealthy when it reaches the point where we lose control of our emotions and put ourselves or others in danger. When we flare up too easily and frequently, it affects our personal, social and work lives. Friends may find us unpredictable and start staying away. Colleagues get scared to ask for our input. Our family may even choose to let us sort out our issues on our own.
Still, we are only human and everyday situations that annoy us can happen. Here are some common scenarios that can cause tempers to get frayed (hopefully at a normal level), and you tell us how much they affect you. Try to be honest, and based on your answers, we'll try to guess your age!
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How much does this anger you: Drivers not signaling on the roads!

Talking to someone and they keep using their phone!

People leaving shopping carts in the parking lot!

People agreeing to meet at a time but showing up extremely late!

People sneezing or coughing without covering their mouths and noses!

People playing their music loudly in public!

When you're trying to talk but the other person is talking over you!

People not knowing how to use self-checkout machines and hogging them!

When you're driving and giving way to pedestrians who take their own time to cross!

People talking in a movie theater!

People not flushing public toilets!

People cutting your queue!

Someone entering your room and switching on the lights, but leaving the room without switching them off!

Finding out someone lied to you!

Someone blaming you for something you didn't do!

38 but I’m 14👀
62 nope 11
Dude, I’m 11 not 62
You must be about 62 years old………… you’re off BY 50 YEARS I’M 12
I’m off by 42
I’m not 26, I’m 11
I got 38. I’m 65. Is this an insult or a compliment?
Six… six… SIXTY TWO!? So inaccurate!
38?! I’m 12
38 yrs? Bruhhh….seriously? I’m 14
I got 56….im literally 14😭😭😭
I got 62 and im 12
Really, 26?… 26?… I’m that old?!…. bruh i am 13 years old!!
Same! I got 38 years old. So inaccurate.
Oh please. I’m 8 and got 62! You’re overreacting!
I got 62 also?! I’m 28?!
62?! I’m 37
are you balding yet??? 💖💗🥰💞
Balding? Not this 37-year-old woman
Don’t let him judge a woman’s body!
62. Close but no cigar. I’m 65.