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- : "You're One-of-a-kind! You don't fit into a box, and that's..." on Are You a Pancake, a Waffle, French Toast, or an Omelette?
- : "I got: Orange Smile! You're the Orange Smiley, full of..." on Smile Dating Test – What Is Your Dating Persona?
- mmakensi deck: "They think I'm a old man which I'm literally just..." on Form Your Superhero Dream Team and We’ll Guess Your Age With 99% Accuracy
- : ""I'm a young adult" that's news to me (64)" on Can We Guess Your Age Group Based on YourTaste in Music?
- : "I got: Blond Hair, Blue Eyes and Medium Height! no,..." on Build a Dog and We’ll Guess What You Look Like
- : "You got: Yellow Smile! You're the Yellow Smiley, always up..." on Smile Dating Test – What Is Your Dating Persona?
- : "The Quizes are not working! I can't even get the..." on Are You a Pancake, a Waffle, French Toast, or an Omelette?
- : "You got 25 out of 28! You scored better than..." on Only Real Wizards Can Pass This Harry Potter True or False Quiz
- : "Life of the Party! Yassss!!!! Thats meeeee!!!!" on Stop Everything and Take This Quiz to Find Out How Cool You Are
- CCat: "I got 9 out of 15! You did a 'meownificent'..." on Only a Cat Person Can Score 12/15 on This Quiz
- DDtilover!: "I got new York City!" on Which City Matches Your Style?
- : "I don't wear makeup, is there anything wrong with that?" on If You Do at Least 9/17 of These Things, You’re a Real Lazy Girl
- : "I got: Bunny Pretty! You're sweet, cheerful, and full of..." on Are You Bunny, Cat, Fox, or Deer Pretty?
- : "I got romance too. Although I don't have a favorite..." on Cast Old Hollywood Actors in Some Modern Movies and We’ll Guess Your Favorite Genre
- SSidney: "Soooooo cool cool cat" on Stop Everything and Take This Quiz to Find Out How Cool You Are
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