How well do you know how to deal with emergencies? Could you give life saving first aid to those who need it?
Find out if you could be the difference between a life saved and a life lost by putting your knowledge to the test.
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What should you do to help someone who‘s having an asthma attack?

Help the person sit in a comfortable position and take their medication.
Help the person sit in a comfortable position and breathe into a paper bag.
Advise the person to do some stretches and run around the block.
If someone is bleeding from a wound, what can you do to help?

Tie a tourniquet above the injury.
Put pressure on the injury.
Let the blood drain out.
What should you do if you think someone has broken a leg?

Leave it for a while to see if the pain gets better.
Help them support their leg using a cushion or some clothing.
Ask them to lean on their leg to check if it is painful.
You find an unconscious adult that does not respond to a gentle shake and shout, what must you do next?

Stop and wait for emergency medical services to arrive.
None of the answers.
Check for breathing and give two breaths if they are not breathing.
Call or direct someone to call 911.
Signs of low blood sugar can appear quickly and may include?

Hunger, thirst, or weakness.
Sleepiness or even not responding.
A change in behavior, such as confusion or irritability.
Sweating, pale skin color and/or seizure.
All of the answers.
The first step to respond to someone with low blood sugar is to?

Bleed them to help prevent blood clots.
Have the person sit quietly or lie down.
Give the patient aspirin.
Give the person something containing sugar to eat or drink.
To clean a dirty open wound, you should use?

Antiseptic wipes.
Hydrogen peroxide.
While performing chest compressions during CPR, you hear a cracking sound like the sound of ribs breaking, what should you do?

Wait for 5 minutes before continuing CPR
Stop and wait for emergency services to arrive.
Continue performing CPR.
Your respond to a patient that has spilled hot coffee on their hand. The skin on the top of the had is red and the person complains of pain. What should you do?

Apply burn cream to the effect skin and wrap with sterile dressing.
None of the answers.
Hold the hand under cold running water from a faucet for several minutes.
Put a bag of ice or cold compress on the burn air until the swelling and pain reduces.
In the event of an emergency what should be worn when coming into contact with body fluids?

Protective Gloves
What sudden illness is usually caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain?

Diabetic emergency
Heart attack
What signals can you look for to determine if a person is bleeding internally?

The person is vomiting blood or coughing up blood.
There are tender, swollen, bruised areas or hard bumps on the body.
All of the answers.
The person is becoming confused, faint, drowsy or unconscious.
What should you do for a person with heat exhaustion?

Get the person out of the heat and into a cooler place.
Put more layers of clothing on the person as a protection against the heat.
Force the person to quickly drink a lot of water.
In stroke recognition, F.A.S.T. means:

Flexibility, asthma, sudden tightness in the chest.
Face, arm, speech and time.
Feet, airway, speech and temperature.
Fever, anxiety, stress and taste.
When caring for a person who is having a seizure, you should

Try to hold the person still
Place a spoon or wallet between the person's teeth
Remove nearby objects that might cause injury
15/15 is awesome!!!
10 / 15 I`ve done a first aid course many years ago.
There was a question on this quiz that asked what you should do when someone has a seizure.
I get seizures so I’m surprised I got this one wrong. 🤔