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Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone?

How would you fare on the coldest continent on Earth?

When you think of Antarctica, you probably imagine seeing a vast barren land covered in ice with snow falling continuously. But the continent is way more than that. Anyone that pays a visit to the safer side of Antarctica has many unique activities and attractions in store for them.

You can get up close and personal with the animals native to the land โ€“ penguins! Walking among the massive colonies or playing with penguin chicks is arguably the most popular activity in this icy desert. Where else in the world can you be at arm's length to these cute and cuddly creatures?

But there is also a dangerous side to Antarctica. As the last wilderness on Earth, it isn't a surprise that there are no native people living there. The extreme weather conditions on the coldest continent can cause health conditions that makes it hard to live here long term.

Find out if you're able to survive a whole week all by yourself should you ever get lost in the South Pole. This quiz will test you on the knowledge and survival skills you will need to make it out alive.

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Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz Questions

What kind of material should you NOT build a shelter out of?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz snow cave in Antarctica
  • Metal

  • Rock

  • Wood

  • Snow

Which is more important to survive the cold?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz Pnuma_Snow
  • Generating body heat with sufficient food intake

  • Both of them are equally important.

  • Preventing the loss of heat with suitable clothing and shelter

What kind of clothes should you wear?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz abpu_s8_antarctica1
  • Tight and wet

  • Tight and dry

  • Loose and dry

  • Loose and wet

What do you need a ventilation hole in a shelter for?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz snow cave in antarctica
  • Breathing

  • Keeping warm

  • Shouting for help

  • Lighting a fire

What temperature should your body fall below for hypothermia to occur?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz hypothermia
  • 98.6 F (37 C)

  • 68 F (20 C)

  • 95 F (35 C)

What's the minimum daily calorie intake needed to survive the cold?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz winter camping 1
  • 2,300

  • 3,500

  • 5,000

What's the minimum amount of water you need to drink daily?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz HiddenFalls ChrisBrinleeJr 10FEB17 1 1 1900x1268
  • 1 liter (0.3 gallons)

  • 3 liters (0.8 gallons)

  • 6 liters (1.6 gallons)

True or false - Not melting ice or snow before drinking them as water will make you lose body heat.

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz water bottles
  • False

  • True

What is the best way of purifying water before drinking them?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz a2bf378d 8f8b 431a d0f9 6ac7a1eb8988
  • Putting water tablets into it

  • Gargling it

  • Heating it

What color ice should you never step on?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz on thin ice 4
  • Gray

  • White

  • Black

What should you do to have the best chances at getting rescued?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz ap_antarctic_ship_rescue_ll_140102_16x9_992
  • Set off flares

  • Walk towards an area with possible civilization

  • Stay in one place

Which of these body parts is NOT one of the first to get affected by frostbite?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz Cold
  • Hands

  • Nose

  • Cheeks

  • Ears

Which is not a preferred way of starting fire?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz campfire tent
  • Using a snowmobile battery

  • Using dry matches

  • Using a lighter

Which is the most important way to prevent hypothermia?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz Antarctica
  • Wearing a lot of layers

  • Hugging people

  • Having a shelter with fire

How do you melt snow to drink without a fire?

Can You Survive an Entire Week in the Antarctica Alone? Quiz melting snow
  • Rubbing it between your hands

  • You can just eat snow in its original form

  • Packing it in a bag and placing it among your clothes

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