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๐Ÿช Say โ€œYuckโ€ Or โ€œYumโ€ to These Chocolatey Treats and Weโ€™ll Guess Your Zodiac Sign

Your tastes are written in the stars.

Each zodiac sign has its own associations โ€” including myths, animals, and colors โ€” and its own characteristics. Not only are you your star sign โ€” if you're a fan of horoscopes, that is โ€” you are also what you eat, as the old saying goes. The contents of your fridge are so personal they might even be able to replace a traditional dating profile.

Astrology is fun, and chocolate is awesome, so why not have both? Every zodiac sign has a distinct set of characteristics and personality traits โ€” and believe it or not, there's a chocolatey treat out there to match each one. In this quiz we will figure out what your zodiac sign is based on your taste in various chocolatey things.

As a bonus we will also reveal a zodiac-chocolate pairing in your final quiz result that is sure to align with both the planets and your taste buds.

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Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Questions

How do you feel about chocolate chip cookies?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate Chip Cookies

Are you fond of chocolate macarons?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate macarons

Are you a fan of chocolate truffles?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate truffles

How do you feel about chocolate cream pie?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate Cream Pie

What are your thoughts on s'mores?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz S'more

Do you like chocolate fudge?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Homemade Dark Chocolate Fudge

How do you feel about chocolate brownies?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate brownies

Do you enjoy chocolate cake?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Sweet Homemade Dark Chocolate Layer Cake

Chocolate popcorn, yum or yuck?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Salted Caramel And Chocolate Popcorn

What about chocolate lava cake?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz chocolate lava cake

Would you care for some chocolate-covered strawberries?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate strawberries

Are you partial to chocolate ice cream?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate ice cream

Is there a special place in your heart (and your stomach) for chocolate croissants?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate croissant

Do chocolate-covered raisins sound yummy or yucky?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate covered raisins

How do you feel about chocolate cupcakes?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate cupcakes

What about chocolate milk?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate Milk On A Glass With Red Straw

Chocolate pizza, yummy or yucky?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate pizza

Are you partial to chocolate eฬclairs?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate eฬclairs

How do you feel about chocolate mousse?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate mousse

Lastly, does cocoa-rubbed steak sound yummy or yucky?

Say Yuck Or Yum to Chocolatey Treats & I'll Guess Zodiaโ€ฆ Quiz Chocolate rubbed steak
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