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  • ilovezaxbysyumyum

Your lucky number is 2! You are a multi-tasker; doing just one thing at a time is too simple for you. Your special talent is amazing, but sometimes you might procastinate since you think you've got a lot of time from managing both things at once.I’d say that’s...

Brown eyes and black hair. Quite accurate lol though not sure if I have brown or black hair.

You got: Aphrodite!Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. She has very desirable qualities, some of which even led to wars. Her major symbols include roses, doves, sparrows, and swans.

I got Dwayne Johnson

I got gossip.(Can’t remember the last time I did smt like that.)

Thought I’ve watched all the Pixar’s movies but proven wrong lol.15/21

50% funny

Strawberry frosted!Personally never had those but they look appetizing

Impressionism:You're all about capturing the moment—soft, light, and oh-so-romantic. You find beauty in the fleeting, like Monet's water lilies. Life for you is one magical sunset after another.half of these I’d say is accurate 🌝🌝

Lowkey, I rarely use that word but I guess accurate?

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