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Rate People Magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive and We’ll Guess the Decade You Were Born

People magazine recently named John Legend as its 34th Sexiest Man Alive, joining a long list of Hollywood's hottest who grace the covers of their special annual issue, from actor George Clooney to athlete David Beckham. Starting with a then-29-year-old Mel Gibson in 1985, the list has grown over the years to include some A-list royalty who are not only recognized for their good genes, but also for their golden careers.

There are only four guys who have been featured more than once. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, and Richard Gere have all won twice, although Gere's first win was as part of People's special "Sexiest Couple Alive" award, along with Cindy Crawford.

Now that John Legend has joined the ranks of People-certified Sexy Men, it's time to ask whose attractiveness has stood the test of time and which award makes you do a double-take. Who's your favorite cover-dude from People's Sexiest Man Alive list? Rate them in this quiz!

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People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz Questions

Tom Cruise (1990)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Tom Cruise (1990)

Patrick Swayze (1991)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Patrick Swayze (1991)

Nick Nolte (1992)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Nick Nolte (1992)

Denzel Washington (1996)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Denzel Washington (1996)

Harrison Ford (1998)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz Harrison Ford

Richard Gere (1999)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Richard Gere (1999)

Brad Pitt (1995 and 2000)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz Brad PItt1

Pierce Brosnan (2001)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Pierce Brosnan (2001)

Ben Affleck (2002)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Ben Affleck (2002)

Jude Law (2004)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Jude Law (2004)

Matthew McConaughey (2005)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz Matthew McConaughey

George Clooney (1997 and 2006)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine George Clooney (2006)

Matt Damon (2007)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Matt Damon (2007)

Hugh Jackman (2008)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Hugh Jackman (2008)

Johnny Depp (2003 and 2009)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Johnny Depp (2009)

Ryan Reynolds (2010)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz RyanReynolds

Bradley Cooper (2011)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz BradleyCooper

Channing Tatum (2012)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Channing Tatum (2012)

Adam Levine (2013)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Adam Levine (2013)

Chris Hemsworth (2014)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz Chris Hemsworth1

David Beckham (2015)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine David Beckham (2015)

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (2016)

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Blake Shelton (2017)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz blake promo cover

Idris Elba (2018)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine Idris Elba (2018)

John Legend (2019)

People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive Quiz People Magazine John Legend (2019)
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