Movie tastes differ by age. Your age will have an effect on how you view certain movies. It will determine which types of movies you like more than others and which films you have developed an emotional attachment with. This is all dependent upon your age and also how old you were when the shows came out.
Many of us have fond memories of the movies that we enjoyed when we were kids more than the ones that we watched when we were adults. This is not a hard and fast rule, of course. Younger people will tend to have a better liking for newer modern movies while older folks may have more positive things to say about films that others may feel are dated. Once again, however, these are not rules set in stone. Your age will also determine how favorably you view certain actors and genres of film. So go ahead and pick some movies from the last 15 years and we'll calculate algorithmically just how old you are based on your movie tastes.
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