What was Will Byers doing when he encountered a creature and vanished in season 1?
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Terrific! 🥳
Not quite right. 😢
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In season 1, how did Eleven prove to the boys that Will was still alive?
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Thumbs up! 👍
I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
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In season 1, a body was discovered which everyone believed to be Will. What was eventually found out about the body?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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In season 1, it is revealed that Terry Ives underwent a series of testing while pregnant with Eleven. What real-life government project is referenced as having carried out the testing on Terry Ives?
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Spot on! 🥳
I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
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What is the name of the friend Nancy took to the party at Steve's house in season 1 episode 2?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
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What was Jonathan arrested for in season 1 episode 6?
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That's right!
Nope, sorry. 😢
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After setting up traps in the Byers' home, what did Nancy and Jonathan do to attract the Demogorgon?
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Thumbs up! 👍
Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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What agricultural anomaly in Hawkins, Indiana, led Hopper to investigate in early season 2?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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After discovering a strange creature in his trash can, Dustin named it Dart and fed it what candy bar in season 2 episode 3?
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Perfect! 👊
Not quite.
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Who was Nancy dating at the start of season 2?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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Where did Hopper hide Eleven in the early episodes of season 2?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
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Similar to the tattoo Eleven has, what number does Kali have tattooed on her arm?
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You've nailed it!
Nope, sorry. 😢
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When Max beat Dustin's high score on "Dig Dug" at the arcade, what name did she use?
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Woohoo! 🥳
Doh! 🤬
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Why did Eleven use her powers to make Max fall off her skateboard in season 2 episode 3?
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Fantastic! 🥳
Not quite right. 😢
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When Eleven was given a forged birth certificate to use at the end of season 2, what name was she given?
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Brilliant! 👍
Nope, sorry. 😢
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