Tell Us How Much These Pet Peeves Annoy You and We’ll Tell You How Irritable You Are

Are you an old grumpy grizzly or a cool cucumber?

Everyone has some stuff that bugs them. For example, do you get annoyed when your friend chews loudly during your meals together? If yes, that's your pet peeve! A pet peeve is something that someone does which aggravates you, although others may or may not necessarily find it annoying.

We can figure out your irritability quotient based on your pet peeves! Rate the following 15 common pet peeves according to how much they bug you. Once you're done, we'll reveal if you are an old grumpy grizzly or a calm and cool cucumber!

Quiz Playlist

Discover Yourself Quizzes
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  5. Difficult Person Test
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  8. What % Dark Are You?
  9. 🍽️ What Do Your Unconventional Food Choices Say About Your Personality? 🤔
  10. How Good Are You at Making Conversation?
  11. Tell Us What You Think of These Foods and We’ll Tell You Your Personality Type
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  13. Are You on Santa’s 🎅 Naughty or Nice List?
  14. 👩🏼 How Ladylike Are You?
  15. Are You More of an Introvert or an Extrovert?
  16. 💀 What % Dead Are You Inside?
  17. 🎨 What % Artistic Are You?
  18. 😇 This Test Will Reveal One Good and One Bad Truth About You 😈
  19. We’ll Reveal Your Personality Type Based on the Way You Think
  20. 🍝 Say “Yay” Or “Nay” to These Comfort Foods, And We’ll Reveal What Type of Soul You Have
  21. 🤔 Are You More Practical or Creative?
  22. Synesthesia Test – Are You a Synesthete?
  23. 🍨 Rate These Ben & Jerry’s Flavors and We’ll Reveal What Kind of Soul You Have
  24. 😇 What % Nice Are You?
  25. Aphantasia Test
  26. ☕ How You Make Your Coffee Will Reveal If You’re a Morning or Night Person
  27. Your Parenting Rules Will Reveal How Nice or Toxic Your Personality Is
  28. Bookworm 📚 or Movie Buff 🎥: What Does Your Taste in Media Say About You?
  29. Where You Stand on These Divisive Opinions Will Reveal What People Hate Most About You
  30. Respond to These Texts and We’ll Reveal Your Emotional Age


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Tell Us How Much Pet Peeves Annoy You to Know How Irrit… Quiz Questions