Are You a Narcissist or an Empath? This Quiz Will Reveal the Truth

The results might surprise you.

Some people are empaths while others may be narcissists. The two types of people rarely get along. An empath is someone who feels the emotions of other people strongly. If they are with someone who is sad, then they feel down too. If they are with someone who is happy, then they are happy too. On the other hand, narcissists are not concerned with how others are feeling. They are concerned only with their own well-being and their own emotional state.

Empaths and narcissists have different priorities. Empaths wish the best for all people while narcissists are only concerned with how something impacts them personally. If you would like to know if you are an empath or a narcissist then go ahead and take this quiz. We will be able to tell you if you are an empath or a narcissist based on the answers you give. The results might surprise you.

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Are You Narcissist or Empath? This Quiz Will Reveal Truth Questions

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