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Choose Some Fictional Characters for Your Squad and We’ll Tell You If You’d Survive the End of the World

Who will you pick to improve your chances?

Talk about an impending apocalypse has been around for ages, since biblical times. It's pretty ironic since people have been claiming that the end of the world is "around the corner" for such a long time. But even so, we should be prepared for any end of the world event, just in case it happens.

The best way to improve your chances for survival is to exercise and keep your body in tiptop condition. Any apocalyptic event is literally the survival of the fittest. You also won't have easy access to medicine, so it's best that you're healthy. Life skills, like starting a fire and swimming in deep waters, are important. The end of the world will surely pose situations where such skills are required. You should also pre-pack a survival kit with things like bottles of water, canned food, and bandages.

In this quiz, you get to pick some of your favorite fictional personalities to join your squad. The characters you choose will determine if the lot of you can survive the end of the world!

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Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz Questions

Pick a character who loves cracking jokes for your squad!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 1
  • Michael Scott from The Office

  • Chandler Bing from Friends

  • Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld

  • Jake Peralta from Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Lucy Ricardo from I Love Lucy

Pick the coolest member of your team!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 2
  • Tony Stark from Iron Man

  • Danny Ocean from Ocean's Eleven

  • Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock

  • Harvey Specter from Suits

  • Walter White from Breaking Bad

  • Jason Bourne

  • Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • The Man with No Name from Dollars Trilogy

  • Batman

Who's the flirt in your group?

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 3
  • Noah Calhoun from The Notebook

  • Don Draper from Mad Men

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Joey Tribbiani from Friends

  • Charlie Harper from Two and a Half Men

  • Samantha Jones from Sex and The City

Pick the party animal in your squad!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 4
  • Teddy Sanders from Neighbors

  • Steven Stifler from American Pie

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean

  • Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby

  • Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland

Who has the brains in the group?

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz The Big Bang Theory Sheldon Cooper
  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

  • Dom Cobb from Inception

  • Shuri from Black Panther

  • Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory

  • Doogie Howser

Choose someone who's always enthusiastic!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 6
  • Dash from The Incredibles

  • Kimmy Schmidt from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Maria from The Sound Of Music

  • Spongebob Squarepants

  • Kenneth Parcell from 30 Rock

Who's the jock in your group?

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz finn1
  • Troy Bolton from High School Musical

  • Andrew Clark from The Breakfast Club

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • AC Slater from Saved by the Bell

  • Finn Hudson from Glee

  • Zack Siler from She's All That

Pick a squad member who is always hungry!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 8
  • Homer Simpson from The Simpsons

  • Dean Winchester from Supernatural

  • Terry Jeffords from Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  • Cookie Monster from Sesame Street

  • Liz Lemon from 30 Rock

  • None of these people would fit in!

Who's the mother figure in the group?

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz Ellen Ripley holding girl
  • Tess Coleman from Freaky Friday

  • Kitty Forman from That '70s Show

  • June George from Mean Girls

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Ellen Ripley from Alien

  • Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls

Pick the couple of the squad!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 10
  • Marge and Homer from The Simpsons

  • Nick and Jess from New Girl

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl

  • Leonard and Penny from The Big Bang Theory

  • Scarlet Witch and Vision from Avengers

  • Marshall and Lily from How I Met Your Mother

  • Cory and Topanga from Boy Meets World

  • Daenerys and Jon from Game of Thrones

  • Bella and Edward from Twilight

Choose the perfect wingman!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 11
  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Mercutio from Romeo + Juliet

  • Goose from Top Gun

  • Harry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber

  • Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother

  • John Watson from Sherlock

Who is always getting into trouble?

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 12
  • John Bender from The Breakfast Club

  • Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad

  • Han Solo from Star Wars

  • Loki from Thor

  • Tyler Durden from Fight Club

  • Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games

  • Hakeem Lyon from Empire

  • None of these people would fit in!

Pick the squad member who is in the know about the latest trends!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 13
  • Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City

  • Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl

  • Andy Sachs from The Devil Wears Prada

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Rachel Green from Friends

  • Cookie Lyon from Empire

Choose Mr/Ms. Popular!

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz 14
  • Fonzie from Happy Days

  • Will Smith from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

  • Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • James Bond

  • Marcia Brady from The Brady Bunch

Who's that weird friend you're not sure why you're friends with?

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz benjamin button1
  • Kylo Ren from Star Wars

  • Forrest Gump

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Benjamin Button from The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

  • Norman Bates from Bates Motel

  • Edward Scissorhands

Finally, which leader is a perfect fit for your group?

Pick Fictional Characters for Your Squad to Know If You… Quiz captain america civil war
  • Aragorn from Lord of the Rings

  • Woody from Toy Story

  • Leia Organa from Star Wars

  • Captain America

  • None of these people would fit in!

  • Captain Kirk from Star Trek

  • Harry Potter

  • Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead

  • Superman

  • Olivia Pope from Scandal

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