The Middle Ages were a dangerous time. Be it through poor health, famine, war, the Black Death, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, you could die at a moment’s notice back then. In fact, you rarely were given even that amount of notice. The medieval period is also one of the most intriguing periods of our collective human history. Even though they are centuries away from where we are today, the events that took place during that period have played a large role in shaping our current modern-day society. For better or for worse, the Middle Ages has shaped how we live our lives today.
By answering the questions within this quiz, we will be able to tell you how long you would last if you lived during the Middle Ages. Take this quiz and put your medieval survival skills to the test.
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Where would you obtain your drinking water during the Middle Ages?

Pools of water on the ground
From a pot or kettle that has been boiled
A stream near where you live
I'd rather drink beer
You see an army coming to attack the castle which guards you and the other peasants in your village. How do you respond?

Fight the attacking army
Align with the attackers
Flee the area and return after the battle
You have discovered a fact that proves the leaders in your community have been lying to the people. How do you respond?

Lead a peasant revolt!
Ignore the information and quietly go about your life
Express your concerns to the government
You come across a wild pig. How do you handle the situation?

Attempt to pet the wild pig
Shoot it with an arrow and eat it
Adopt the pig as your pet
Keep moving
How often would you bathe if you lived in the Middle Ages?

As often as needed
Once a week
Once a month
You have noticed that about 1 in 3 of your friends is getting badly sick. How do you handle the situation?

Ask local religious leaders for help
Play with your pet rats
Leave the area
You notice a real class-divide in society. The upper class lacks nothing while the lower classes are vulnerable to starvation and poverty. How do you handle the situation?

Ask religious leaders for help
Do nothing and go on with your life
Call on community leaders for change
While in battle you are cut by an enemy sword. You need to clean the wound but medicine during this time is limited. What do you do to ensure the wound does not get infected?

Have a religious leader perform a ritual on the wound
Attach leeches to the wound
Pee on it
Wrap the wound up as best as possible
Lay down and wait for death
Which sport popular in the Middle Ages would you have most wanted to play?

None of these
"Mob" Football
Scenario: You are a Monarch ruling over a community. Local leaders suggest to you that your people do not have enough bread to eat. How do you respond?

Stop everything and find more bread for your people to eat
Let them eat cake!
Eat a sandwich and ignore your advisors
You are on trial for a crime you did not commit. Your accusers tell you they want to throw you in a lake to see if you float. If you don't float, then you are considered innocent. How do you handle the situation?

File an appeal with the local courts
Take part in the trial
You don't have enough money to pay your taxes for the month. How do you handle the situation?

Pay what you can
Flee the town
Rob somebody else in order to get money for your taxes
Support a political candidate who would lower taxes
Plead for more time
Select one piece of food from a feast being held in your community.

Wild boar
None of these
Select a beverage to drink from the same feast.

None of these
Mead Drink
Beer or ale
What group of people would you most want to hang around during the Middle ages?

Religious leaders
apparently i would live a long and healthy life
You’d die in early adulthood.
😅😂Too bad, so sad….would suck to be me.
A long and healthy and dishonest life by robbing people to pay for your taxes
Die immediately
What why???
I think I’d rather die than live in the Middle Ages
I`d live a long & healthy life
that’s what i got
You live a long and health life