How Woke Are You?

Find out just how "woke" you really are.

Woke Test: Just How Woke Are You?

Oh, you trendy trailblazer of social awareness, seeker of enlightenment in the world of buzzwords and woke wonders! In a universe where even avocado toast is judged by its level of consciousness, it's time to delve deep into the intricacies of your social awareness. This woke test isn't just a game; it's a journey through the jungles of justice, the meadows of mindfulness, and the vast landscapes of woke wisdom. So buckle up, buttercup, because it's time to discover just how woke you truly are in this cosmic carnival of consciousness!

The Mysteries of Wokeness

Wokeness, that elusive creature that's more sought after than a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. It's a term that's been thrown around so much that it sometimes feels like it's lost in the echo of a thousand social justice tweets. But fear not, dear quiz-taker, for we're about to demystify the enigma that is wokeness.

First things first, what in the name of kale smoothies and fair-trade coffee beans does "woke" even mean? Well, in the vast plains of modern slang, being woke is like having a sixth sense for societal injustices. It's being hyper-aware of issues like racism, sexism, and other -isms that tend to sneak their way into our everyday lives. It's not just a buzzword; it's a commitment to staying woke, vigilant, and socially conscious. Now, let's plunge into the depths of your own awareness, shall we?

Cracking the Code of Intersectionality

Picture this: you're at a dinner party, and someone drops the term "intersectionality" like it's confetti. Do you nod knowingly or blink in confusion? Understanding intersectionality is like deciphering a complex code that reveals the interconnected web of privilege and oppression. It's not just about recognizing one aspect of someone's identity; it's about acknowledging the unique ways in which different aspects intersect to shape their experience. Get ready to flex those intellectual muscles, because we're diving deep into the intersectional seas.

Cultural Appropriation

Now, let's talk about cultural appropriation – that sticky wicket where the line between appreciation and appropriation blurs like a watercolor painting left out in the rain. Are you guilty of donning a bindi as a fashion statement without understanding its cultural significance, or are you the cultural connoisseur who respects the roots of every trend? Brace yourself, because this section might just have you questioning your wardrobe choices.


Ah, microaggressions, the ninjas of social interactions. These seemingly harmless comments or actions that carry undertones of bias and discrimination can be as elusive as a cat burglar in the night. Can you spot them when they're hiding in plain sight? It's time to sharpen your sensitivity radar because we're about to embark on a quest to uncover the hidden realm of microaggressions.

Woke Test: Your Wokeness Quotient

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for – the "How Woke Are You?" quiz will determine just how woke you really are. It's not about getting a gold star or a pat on the back; it's about self-reflection and growth. Are you ready to confront the corners of your consciousness? Let the journey begin!

As you navigate through the questions, ponder each choice like you're selecting the perfect avocado – with care and consideration. Remember, this isn't a competition; it's an exploration of your own awareness. So, how woke are you, my socially conscious friend?

In this ever-evolving world of social awareness, the journey towards enlightenment is ongoing. Embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and stay woke. After all, being woke isn't about perfection; it's about progress. So, as you continue your odyssey through the realms of woke wisdom, remember – the quest for consciousness is a marathon, not a sprint.

Take the Woke Test

And there you have it, fellow conscious crusaders – a quiz that's not just a game but a mirror reflecting the depth of your social awareness. Whether you emerged as a woke guru or discovered areas for improvement, pat yourself on the back for embarking on this enlightening journey.

As we bid adieu to this whirlwind adventure into wokeness, remember that staying woke is a commitment to continuous learning and unlearning. So, keep your eyes wide open, your mind even wider, and continue navigating the seas of social consciousness like the woke sailor you are.

And with that, may your awareness be sharp, your empathy boundless, and your wokeness off the charts! Until next time, stay woke and keep rolling through the carnival of consciousness.

Quiz Playlist

Discover Yourself Quizzes
  1. 👵 Are You an Awesome Grandparent? 👴
  2. The Foods You Enjoy 🍕 Will Reveal What % American Your Tastebuds Are
  3. Tell Us How Much These Pet Peeves Annoy You and We’ll Tell You How Irritable You Are
  4. Are You Easily Annoyed? This Quiz Will Reveal How Much Patience You Have
  5. Are You More Autumn 🍁, Winter ❄️, Spring 🌷, Or Summer 😎? Make Some Tacos 🌮 to Find Out
  6. Tell Us How You Feel in These Awkward Scenarios and We’ll Tell You How Awkward You Are
  7. Sorry, If You Do at Least 9/17 of These Things, You’re Not a Nice Person
  8. Which Deadly Sin Are You? Quiz
  9. This Word Association Game Will Determine If You’re Actually an Introvert or an Extrovert
  10. ❤️ Why Are You Still Single?
  11. If You Do at Least 9/17 of These Things, You’re a Real Lazy Girl
  12. 🍰 Make Some Difficult Dessert Decisions to Find Out What % Good and Evil You Are
  13. Choose Which of These Characters to Revive and We’ll Reveal Your Street Smart %
  14. Are You a Crazy Cat Person? 🐱 Answer These Questions and We’ll Let You Know
  15. How Obsessed With Food Are You?
  16. We’ll Gauge Your Mental Strength Based on Your Reaction to These Unpleasant Things
  17. 🥪 We Know What % Karen You Are Based on Your Food Preferences
  18. This Ink Blot Personality Test Is Frighteningly Accurate
  19. I Can Get an Accurate Read on Whether 🥳 You’re Shy or Outgoing Based on the 🎉 Party You Plan
  20. Take This Word Association Quiz to Know If You’re Actually Fun or Really Boring
  21. As Strange as It Seems, Your Comfort Food Obsession Will Reveal How Adventurous You Are
  22. What % Stubborn Are You?
  23. Tell Us How Much These Dating Pet Peeves Annoy You and We’ll Reveal What You Desire in a Man
  24. What % Dark Are You?
  25. The Way You Eat Common Foods Will Reveal Whether You’re Shy or Outgoing
  26. Take This “Never Have I Ever” Quiz and We’ll Tell You What % Cool You Are
  27. Decide Which Breakfast Foods You Prefer and We’ll Reveal If You’re a ☀️ Morning or Night Person 🌚
  28. Emotional Intelligence Test
  29. What Is Your Most Lovable Trait? Quiz
  30. Soldier Poet King Test


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Woke Test Questions