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Quiz Playlist
- CCat: "I got 28 out of 30! You are the Disney..." on We Bet You Can’t Identify More Than 23/30 of These Disney Characters
- : "7/19 half of these I've never heard of." on If You Can Identify 15/18 of These Tropical Fruits, You’re a Fruit Ninja
- : "Introvert and you can definitely tell. I don't leave the..." on This Word Association Quiz Will Determine If You’re Actually an Introvert or an Extrovert
- EEliana: "I hate you guys cos I get them incoot" on Ultimate Cartoon Dog Quiz!Can You Identify These 24 Fictional Pups?
- : "i got 76 per cent genius" on Eat Your Way Through the Alphabet and We’ll Tell You What % Genius You Are
- : "The last half of questions were "know your geography"." on The Ultimate Yellow Trivia Quiz! Test Your Knowledge of All Things Yellow
- : "I got: The Problem-Solver! You love diving deep into challenges..." on We’ll Tell You What Career You Were Born For, But First You Have to Eat a Massive Meal
- SSomeone: "I got: Dalmatian! Energetic and unique, you're definitely the Dalmatian..." on Are You a Black Cat, Golden Retriever or Something Else?
- : "Rapunzel. yeah my hair is long and blonde" on Which Disney Princess Are You?Take This Quiz to Find Out
- RRY FRY: "I got brown and my eyes are blue like bruh" on This Might Shock You a Little, But I Can Guess Your Eye Color Based on the Soups You Choose
- HHola: "It said mine was diamond, but it’s not" on Create Your Dream Ice Cream Sundaeand I’ll Toootally Guess Your Birthstone
- : "I got 20 out of 20! Incredible! You're an animal..." on Mammal, Fish, Bird, or Reptile? Only True Animal Aficionados Will Ace This Quiz
- : "Your Spirit Animal Is the Dolphin! The dolphin represents harmony..." on What Is Your Spirit Animal?
- : "I got 8 out of 16! - 50% You passed!..." on If You Score 14/16 on This General Knowledge Quiz, You’re a Nerd
- lluna: "I got soulmate has these initials: H, I, T, or..." on If You Want to Know Your Soulmate’s First Initial, Make an Exploration Wish List to Find Out
- : "I got: You're Not Lazy! You're definitely not a lazy..." on If You Do at Least 9/17 of These Things, You’re a Real Lazy Girl
- : "I got: 43 to 46 Years Old! We think you're..." on Pretend to Order an Expensive Meal and We’ll Guess How Old You Are
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