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  • Yvonne-Young

Fall-Themed Mansion - no thanks, I'm more of a beach shack girl. Of course it's spring in Australia but I played along anyway. Many of the activities are just not really done here. I picked making pumpkin muffins as one activity but I would be making pumpkin scones from...

Maple Red. I eat pumpkin baked, boiled or mashed with potato, or pumpkin soup. I have had a very good Thai curry with pumpkin. I make a pretty good pumpkin scone. I'm pretty sure I'd being saying no thank you to most of these offerings despite not being horribly...

I have read them many times over the last 65 years but the whole Little Women series - Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men and Jo's Boys. I enjoy them every time I read them. I have a copy of Little Women that is 120 years old that I...

If you are actually interested - I read just about anything. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, but not "space westerns". Because it costs so little on my Kindle I am reading and in many cases re-reading lots of classics from the mid-eighteenth century through...

Omelette - I love a good omelette. I don't know where they got some of these pictures from, but the cook should be shot. A couple looked so unappetising it was almost enough to turn me off my favorites. Particularly an omelette and scrambled eggs.

23/24. I love my coffee but I didn't know about the zarf. Learn something new all the time.

Green - I wish. Grey. I'm not sure about sauces but at least a couple would be better described as stews.

I also got cucumber. I kind of like that.

23. I'll forgive myself the Kpop wrong answer, but the Beach Boys? Oh dear.

All rounder - happy with that. Doesn't always make you a friend though, Lots of people just think you are weird because you don't fit their group.

Millennial. Avocado toast lover, aren't you? Your sandwich choices show you're all about balancing nostalgia with the latest trends. You appreciate a classic with a twist, and you've probably Instagrammed your lunch a few times. Keep mixing the old with the new! No - Boomer. And I have...

November or December. No, I'm April. I answered neither to almost every question. Just give me a nice strong flat white, a good strong cup of tea or a nice fresh juice. I'll take iced water if none of the above.

24/24. Brain working today and lucky questions. Gotta like the good days.

20. It's great when you get a quiz you happen to know most of the answers to then manage to get in a couple of lucky guesses as well. Particularly pleased with myself on this one because it was geography, which is generally my worst subject.

Not obsessed with food. Some of those were easy as I hadn't eaten them in the last year (and some way longer) anyway. E.g. Mac and cheese - I haven't eaten it in literally decades and certainly not this century.

The question about Australia is incorrect. Australia does not have provinces, it has states and territories. There are 6 states and 2 territories. The territories do not have full state governance as the states do. I answered 8 because we would always ask the question as...

'Me Time' Master. I should hope so. I am retired and no longer have to look after anyone but me. Had a hard time answering some of these questions as they don't really apply. I LOVE retirement after very many years of working and raising...

23. Can't always keep my Greeks and Romans straight.

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