At what age does a person stop getting older and actually become old? When does old age begin? How does one actually define an older person? Is it when he or she reaches the age of 65? 70? Or is it 85? Perhaps old age is simply just a state of mind rather than a hard number. As the old saying goes, you are as young or as old as you feel.
One thing that is certain is that as you age, you tend to adopt new habits and behaviors that you wouldn't in your younger years. You may prefer to spend a quiet Saturday night in with a bubble bath over some herbal tea or wine, rather than head to a noisy club or music event. You may catch yourself reminiscing about the good ol' days when life was simpler and safer.
Whatever the case, this quiz will help you determine if you identify as an old soul or young person. Are you an older person trapped in a younger body? Take this quiz and find out.
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Get PremiumIf You Answer Yes 10+ Times in This Quiz, You're Old Person in Young Person's Body Questions
Do you wake up before 7am on the weekends?

Do you use phrases like "back in my day…" or "kids today..."?

Do you use paper maps instead of the GPS?

Do you refer to the computer as "the machine"?

Do you love Tupperware?

Do you have a favorite mug?

Do you have no idea who Billie Eilish is?

Do you still pay for things by check?

Do you buy magazines?

Are you cold right now?

Do you bring a sweater or something to keep you warm with you wherever you go?

Do you bake bread?

Do you leave messages on people's voicemail or answering machines?

Do you go on cruises?

Do you play Bingo?

How about the crossword in the newspaper?

Do you power walk at the mall?

Do you use a physical wall calendar?

Do you keep a supply of Werther's candies at home?

Do you write in a physical notebook?

Do you wear slippers at home?

Do you send out physical thank you cards?

Do you have no clue who Lil Nas X is?

Do you not go to some places because they are too loud?

Do you usually take naps?

12/25 I’m 9
You’re definitely not old at all! You don’t seem to do many of the typical old person things. In fact, you’re still learning about the world, making mistakes, and just trying to live your best life. Don’t forget to cherish these years, because they’ll be gone before you know it
^ Well, I am 37. Besides, I think you learn things about the world no matter what your age
6/25 I’m 72
This is a specifically weird quiz but it was fun to do and I love this site so much. It helps me with all the questions that I have overall five stars for sure
I try to keep a young outlook although I don’t like today’s popular music.
You got 10 out of 25!
You’re definitely old! You do plenty of typical old person things, so it’s time to face the facts: you are old. But hey! There’s no shame in that, because you have SO much wisdom to offer. You’ve been around the block a few times and have learned a lot. By now, you’re pretty much a pro at life, so congrats!
So what? I’m a little old on the inside. On the outside i’m only 12 though…
SAME! not quite sure these quizzes are accurate…haha
No, not at all! They are just for fun!
15 / 25 I agree, I`m 63 I have to many medical problems with me & the pain ranges from 50% – 100% 24 / 7. So you get tired very quickly.
This is the longest quiz ever. I need a nap.
You’re definitely not old at all! You don’t seem to do many of the typical old person things. In fact, you’re still learning about the world, making mistakes, and just trying to live your best life. Don’t forget to cherish these years, because they’ll be gone before you know it!