Some fans are worried that when Game of Thrones finishes airing its final episode, their adventures in Westeros will also conclude. Fortunately, there appears to be a countless number of spin-offs, prequels, and similar shows in the works. Rest assured, there will likely be Westeros content for you to enjoy for the rest of your life.
What if you actually lived in Westeros though? What if, instead of Game of Thrones occupying your thoughts for one glorious hour a week, they were the only thoughts you ever had? Granted, living in Westeros might seem a little challenging from time to time, and it does appear that the long-term survival rate in this particular world is not stellar. But it definitely seems to be a fun adventure!
For every person that lives in the Game of Thrones society there would be a role to play. If you answer the questions within this quiz, we'll tell you what your role would be in Westeros.
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Which of these most closely matches how your friends would describe you?

A leader
What is the most important factor for you when choosing a new profession?

Sense of purpose
An important sounding title
Work-life balance
What it pays
What is the role you play when traveling with family, friends, or co-workers?

Choosing the music
Pumping gas
Are you willing to sacrifice the health and well-being of others for personal gain?

Scenario: White Walkers are approaching the Wall. Your enemies want you to join them in fighting off the threat. How do you respond?

Do not join your enemies
Join your enemies in fighting off the threat
In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic for a leader to have?

A large army
A strong family background
A strong moral compass
Which character from Game of Thrones do you feel is most like you?

The High Sparrow
Jaime Lannister
Samwell Tarly
Queen Cersei
Ned Stark
Do you feel the world would be better if more people were like you?

What aspect of Westeros do you find most appealing?

The people
The religious communities
Scenario: Daenerys' dragons have been ravaging nearby farmland. Local farmers have come to you for a solution. How would you respond?

Let the dragons do as they please
Instruct Daenerys to keep her dragons away from the people's farmland
Scenario: You find out someone you know has more of a claim to the Iron Throne than you do. You believe it is your destiny to rule Westeros, however. How do you handle the situation?

Continue to make your claim to the Iron Throne
Withdraw your claim to the throne
Out of the characters below, who do you feel would make the most trustworthy ally?

Euron Greyjoy
Brienne of Tarth
The Many-Faced God
Tyrion Lannister
Which of the following sounds like the most appealing way to relax?

Executing those who don't bend the knee
Drinking wine
Picking out and wearing black clothes
Competing in a jousting tournament
When you were a child, what aspect of school did you best excel at?

All subjects equally
Scenario: Your Queen asks you to do something you find to be unethical. How do you handle the situation?

Follow your Queen's orders
Speak out against the Queen
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