The power is out and the internet is down. How do you find out what is happening in the world?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement With all technology on Earth not functioning, how do you contact your friend to ask if they are alright?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement You need to eat food but you have no way to cook it. Select the method below which you believe will best lead to a fire that you can use to cook your food.
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement You did something impressive and you want everyone to know about it. Without social media, however, you don't know how. What do you do?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement If your phone died right now, how many phone numbers would you know of by heart?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Your watch doesn't work and neither does your phone. What is the best way to find out what time it is?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement You need to send some important information to someone. Without email or other methods, you have to send it by registered mail. Where does the stamp go on an envelope in the United States?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement It's been a while since you've written anything by hand. Do you feel your handwriting is legible enough that others can read it?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement When you are attending a ticketed event or game, how do you usually present your ticket?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Your friend said something you know to be incorrect but you do not have a smartphone to look it up. What do you do?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement You have collected a series of pictures. Facebook and Instagram do not exist anymore, however. How do you showcase these pictures?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Choose an activity to take part in that does not require the use of smartphones, video game consoles, computers, etc.
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO, and all streaming services are gone. What do you do to stay entertained?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Money is an important part of life. You need to figure out how much of it you have in the bank. Your phone and computers aren't working, however. How do you do your banking?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement You need to gather supplies but it looks like it is going to storm out. How do you find out what the weather is going to be?
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