In the first episode of season 7, Arya Stark gets revenge for the Red Wedding by killing all the House Frey men. How did she kill them?
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Who does Jon Snow leave in charge of Winterfell when he leaves for Dragonstone in season 7 episode 2?
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When Jon Snow arrives at Dragonstone in season 7 episode 3, what does Daenerys give him and his soldiers permission to do?
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Amazing! 👍
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What character risked their own health to cure Jorah Mormont's greyscale by performing an ancient treatment?
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That was incorrect.
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What does Olenna Tyrell admit to just before her death in season 7 episode 3?
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Brilliant! 👍
I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
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Which of Daenerys' dragons did the Night King bring back from the dead in season 7 episode 6?
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Doh! 🤬
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Who killed Petyr Baelish in season 7 episode 7?
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Absolutely right! 👍
Not quite right. 😢
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In season 7 episode 7, Jon Snow's birth name is revealed to be:
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You get a gold star for that! 🌟
That was incorrect.
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What does Cersei reveal to Jaime that causes him to leave her and head North in season 7 episode 7?
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Not quite.
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How did Cersei get revenge on Ellaria Sand in season 7 episode 2?
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Perfect! 👊
That was incorrect.
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Who shot down Daenerys and Drogon with a Scorpion Ballista as they and the Dothraki were attacking the Lannister forces in season 7 episode 4?
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In season 7 episode 3, Jon Snow asks Daenerys to send her armies to fight the White Walkers. Daenerys said she would only send her armies if Jon Snow did this, a request he ultimately denied.
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That was incorrect.
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What do Grey Worm and the Unsullied learn when they attack Casterly Rock in season 7 episode 3?
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Not quite.
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At the end of season 7 episode 6, who sacrifices themselves in order to allow Jon Snow to escape?
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Nope, sorry. 😢
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In season 7 episode 5, why do Jon Snow, the Hound, the Brotherhood, and others go beyond the wall?
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