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  • United States
  • Jade3123

Saved Quizzes

Are You a Jock, Nerd, Prep, Or Goth?

Which high school stereotype are you?

Which Bluey Character Are You?

Match your vibe with a Bluey friend.

Can You Guess the Pixar Movie from Just 3 Characters?

Tell me you're a Pixar fan, without telling me you're a Pixar fan.

Which Spooky Family Do You Belong In?

Which spooky family is your true home?

Which Two Disney Princesses Are You a Combo Of? πŸ‘‘

Two princesses for the price of one? Yes, please.

Which Chill Disney Princess Are You?

Are you chill Elsa or Mulan?

Which Inside Out 2 Character Are You?

9 emotions - which one represents you?

Are You a Cowboy, Fairy, Angel, or Knight?

What's your magical persona?

Can You Match These 22 Dogs to Their Movies?

How well do you know these famous pups?

Are You Secretly Addicted to Social Media?

Are you too into social media?

Are You Getting Enough β€˜Me’ Time?

Mastering 'me time' or need a break?

Which Hot Chocolate Are You? β˜•οΈ

What type of hot chocolate should you be drinking?

😨 Can We Guess Your Age by What You’re Afraid Of?

It's scary how accurately we can guess your age.

Difficult Person Test – Am I a Difficult Person?

Find out if you're a tough nut to crack!

😟 You Might Have Anxiety Based on These 15 β€œYes or No” Questions

You probably already know this, but take this quiz just to confirm.

Which Moon Phase Are You? πŸŒ™

πŸŒ— 🌘 πŸŒ‘ πŸŒ’ πŸŒ“

Which Spring Holiday Matches Your Vibe? 🌸

Ready to unveil your springtime persona?

Which March Holiday Best Represents Your Personality?

Which March celebration aligns with your spirit?

Which Disney Villain Are You? Find Your Evil Twin in This Quiz!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, which Disney villain do you call?

Which Celebrity Do You Look Like?

Who is your celebrity twin?

What Music Genre Are You? 🎧

Discover your musical alter ego!

Which Fictional Female Villain Are You?

We've all got a little bit of evil in us.

Which Iconic Horror Villain Are You?

Which horror movie baddie are you?

What Planet Are You? πŸͺ

Are you more Mars than Venus?

Are You Addicted to Your Phone? πŸ“±

Find out your phone addiction level!

Are You a Black Cat, Golden Retriever or Something Else? πŸ•

Do you give off black cat or golden retriever energy?

What Big Dog and Small Dog Combo Are You? 🐢

Here's a quiz that will give you paws.

Which Holiday Treat Are You?

Unleash your festive alter ego.

Which Winter Beverage Are You? β˜•οΈ

Warm your soul with this fun quiz!

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