Complete the title of the classic Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, "The Princess And The ...".
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What is 785 rounded to the nearest hundred?
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Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement What is the full form of the radio wave, VHF?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement Which European country's capital is Budapest?
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Having difficulty with this one?
Advertisement Advertisement "Lisa is afraid of spiders." What is the preposition in this sentence?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement What is the process by which plants make food for themselves?
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Nope, sorry. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement How many bones does the adult human body have?
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Not quite right. 😢
Advertisement Advertisement What is the square root of 49?
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That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement Which word is not a compound word?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement How many cups are in 28 fluid ounces?
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Hmm, I don't think so. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement Which of these nouns is an example of a proper noun?
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I'm afraid that wasn't it. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 Great Lakes?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Which of the following is a homophone for the word "won"?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement The Wars of The Roses took place in which country?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. 😔
Advertisement Advertisement If one side of a baseball diamond is 90 feet long, how far is it around that baseball diamond?
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