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๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space?

Would you even make it beyond a few hours?

The likelihood of you ever ending up in outer space and having to fend for your survival someday is relatively remote. This is not to say it couldn't happen at some point. Who knows what world-altering scenarios might take place during the course of your lifetime? It's entirely possible that you can end up leading a full and happy life in the alien world if you know how to fend for yourself.

For some of you reading this, life in space might be the adventure you've always dreamed of. For others, it would be the nightmare you always feared.

Only the most intelligent, crafty, wise and resilient would survive if they were to be lost in some part of the universe, far away from the familiarity of Earth. Do you feel you have those qualities? If so, take this quiz, and we will let you know how long you would last in outer space.

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๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Questions

You and the rest of your space crew are awakened from your cryogenic sleep capsules earlier than planned due to a distress call. What should you do to ensure you and your crew are not in danger?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Passengers Cryogenic Sleep Capsules
  • None of these

  • Attempt to go back to sleep

  • Investigate the problem

  • Notify Earth of the problem

Debris floating through space has damaged your shuttle and left you stranded in space with only your spacesuit and a propulsion unit. What do you do?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Gravity
  • Attempt to repair the damage

  • Use the propulsion unit to travel back to Earth

  • Stay where I am and wait for help

  • Use the propulsion unit to travel to a space station

You are stranded on Mars after the rest of your crew assumed your death. What do you do while you wait to be rescued?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz The Martian
  • None of these

  • Attempt to build a radio to contact for help

  • Farm potatoes

  • Ride around on the Pathfinder

  • Build a spaceship out of Martian rocks and stuff

  • Math equations

Your spaceship's computer has developed consciousness and doesn't want you to shut it down. What do you do?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Space Odyssey
  • Do not shut down the computer

  • Attempt to reason with the computer

  • Shut down the computer

  • Get out of the spaceship and leave the computer alone

The crew of your spaceship is on an expedition to explore the universe. You approach a black hole and your Captain wants to investigate. What do you do?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Black Hole
  • Tell the Captain I don't find it safe to go near black holes

  • None of these

  • Abandon ship

  • Investigate the black hole

Choose someone you would like to go to outer space with.

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Space
  • None of these

  • Keanu Reeves

  • Neil Armstrong

  • Alf

  • Sigourney Weaver

  • Captain Marvel

Select one item to bring with you into outer space.

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Bfr 2018 Spaceship And Booster Sep Spacex 1c
  • iPhone

  • Backup oxygen tank

  • Jetpack

  • None of these

  • Fidget spinner

  • Pathfinder

Select a crew to travel with you into outer space.

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz spacesuit.0
  • The Cylons

  • The Avengers

  • NASA

  • United Federation of Planets

  • Crew from the Nostromo (Alien)

  • None of these

While in space, you see a meteor on course to crash into Earth. What do you do?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Earth Hit By Meteor
  • Attempt to stop the meteor myself

  • Continue with whatever it is I was doing

  • Sit back and watch the show

  • Contact Earth to warn them

After encountering a black hole, you discover that you've gone back in time several decades. What do you do?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Star Trek: The Original Series
  • Unsure

  • Make contact with yourself from this time

  • Stay in the past

  • Journey back through the black hole

It is 1969 and you are about to be the first man to walk on the Moon. Suddenly, Neil Armstrong pulls out a laser and says he didn't travel this far to be the second man to walk on the Moon. What do you do?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz neil armstrong on moon
  • Unsure

  • Let Neil walk on the Moon first...geez

  • Dramatically say "Houston, we have a problem" into your radio

  • Fight Neil Armstrong

After landing on Mars, you are greeted by a race of aliens. The aliens invite you to live with them in luxury if you promise not to tell Earth about their existence. What do you do?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Alien
  • Live with the aliens

  • Blow up the aliens and claim Mars for Earth

  • Decline offer and notify Earth of the aliens

  • Agree but secretly try to notify Earth

Select the planet you would most want to visit.

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz planets
  • None of these

  • Mercury

  • Mars

  • Asgard

  • Saturn

  • Jupiter

Would you prefer to travel within our solar system or beyond?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz Solar System
  • Beyond

  • Within our solar system

  • Both

  • Neither

In your opinion, why would you be traveling into outer space in the first place?

๐Ÿš€ How Long Would You Last in Outer Space? Quiz 167230135
  • To colonize new worlds

  • To discover new worlds

  • Unsure

  • To bring back spices for the Queen

  • To boldly go where no one has gone before

  • To post about it on social media

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