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  • soph771

Saved Quizzes

🍰 Can We Guess Your Age by Your Taste in Dessert?

Get ready for the sweetest quiz ever! Answer these questions and we'll reveal your true age.

🍰 Do You Actually Prefer Cake or Pie? 🥧

Let's fight over which is better.

Can We Guess Your Height Based on the Waffles You Make?

There's more to waffles than meets the eye.

Can You Pass This Very British Food Quiz?

Is your knowledge of British foods exceptional or half-baked?

How Sophisticated Is Your Taste in Food?

Do you have good taste in food or is it just awful?

🍩 Can We Guess Where You Grew up by Your Taste in Snacks?

Your choice of snack says everything about you.

Which Winter Legend Are You? ❄️

You're about to find out.

Which Spooky Family Do You Belong In?

Which spooky family is your true home?

What Music Genre Are You? 🎧

Discover your musical alter ego!

🧼 Your Personal Hygiene Habits Will Reveal Which 📕 Young Adult Book You’re Most Like

Which literary characters share the same hygiene practices as you?

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