What do you do for a living?

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How would you rate your physical condition?

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How about transportation…you know, getting from one place to another?

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Which is the most vulnerable part of a zombie?

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Have you ever used a firearm before?

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Do you have any vices or addictions? Don't worry...I won't tell anyone if you do!

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How would you describe your knowledge of/level of experience with medicine/healthcare?

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Have you had any training in combat and/or self-defense techniques?

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Could you climb if you needed to?

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How's your tolerance for blood/gore, violence, and death?

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How good would you say you are in the kitchen?

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Which is your favorite movie?

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Speaking of hiding... how good are you at that?

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Now to the action. You turn on the radio and hear reports of rotting corpses that have been reanimated and are eating people in your vicinity. Choose your plan of action.

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What is your primary weapon of choice?

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You spot a stray zombie walking towards your hideout. What weapon will you kill the zombie with?

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Which vehicle will you choose?

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You've just obtained a fair amount of supplies from an abandoned store. On the way back to your base, you're stopped by a group of survivors, who demand that you give them everything you're carrying or they'll kill you. What do you do?

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You're in a basement looking for supplies. Suddenly, a couple of zombies start breaking in the door at the top of the stairs. You quickly scan the room for something to defend yourself with. You see a long metal pipe, some old chairs, an old hunting rifle and box of ammo, and a chainsaw and an old gas can. What do you do?

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From the vantage point of your hiding spot, you see zombies surrounding an overturned car. You can hear someone screaming in terror from inside the car. There's no one else around, and you count a dozen zombies. What do you do?

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You and your party spot a sign stating that there is a sanctuary providing food and shelter for survivors. What will you do?

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You arrived at the gates of the sanctuary. The conditions for entry arethat you and your party surrender all your food and arms. What will you do?

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A member of your party is injured. You decided to set up a base to rest till he recovers. Where would you set up your base.

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Despite your valiant efforts, your base has been overrun by zombies. You are fighting back but desperately struggling and have already lost most of your team. What do you do?

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You have successfully reached the hills. What will you do first?

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Which animal would you choose as your companion?

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A late night zombie attack killed your entire party but you managed to escape. Walking alone for days, you finally spot a group of perhaps a dozen survivors from a distance. What do you do?

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